
moderner und progressiver Rock mit Metal und Alternativeeinschlägen
von trespassing
erstellt 11.12.2008 20:19 Uhr


Our band has been together since Summer 2005, when it was formed in Hamburg, Germany. We share the fun of enjoying playing live music and we are keen to create new rock songs, that experiment with the music we have learned from our varied influences. Over the course of time we have got to know each other better, our abilities have expanded and as a result our songs have grown more complex. What started off as pop rock and simple punk has now evolved into epic rock. The variation in musical influences of the band members has helped in creating music threaded with a combination of melody, disharmony , speed and variation in dynamic. The resulting music has formed songs that you can't stop from going into your head and staying there. Our first album “Suicide Mission” became available in April 2006 features 9 from the band’s large repertoire of Songs. In June 2007 our second EP "cacoDEMOnia" with 9 brilliant new songs came out. We are currently working on a new project which will become a concept album featuring 8 or 9 songs and is based on the Characters of a Graphic Novel by Neil Gaiman “Sandman” featuring the Endless: Dream, Destruction, Desire, Delirlium, Despair, Death and Destiny We’ve already got more than a couple of concerts behind us, having played in most of the well known and recognised rock venues in Hamburg. There’s much more to come so stay tuned!


rock on dudes





20537 Hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt


Starlight Express

Sturm & Drang



Andere Bands in dieser Kategorie: Alternative

Morgan (deutschsprachiger Pop-Rock )

Aerodraft (Mix aus Alternative und Punk)

Harry Dick (Gitarren Musik)

I.O.U. (progressiver Alternative-Rock, teilweise härter)

Kniffte (Punk, Alternative)

The Slimlegs (Fein abgestimmter Acousticsound verfeinert mit verzerrtem Rockleadsound und trotzdem schön melodisch,....)

Remember Me (wir machen i-was in die richtung pop-punk oder alternative xD)

le trash (alternativ, indie glam trash)

Inmost Silence (gothic/electro/melodisch/Gitarre)

Four Colours (Imagine there are four musicians trying to paint a picture of their world - thats what out music is about!)

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