Double Kiss

Pop, RnB, Reggeaton, Soul, Electro, HipHop, Rock, DubStep & House
von Double Kiss
erstellt 27.09.2012 15:48 Uhr


Biografie LUNA> is 21 years old and was born 24.08.1990 in Guimaraes (Portugal). Her parents moved to Germany when she was 11 years old. Since she's 4 she sings, loves to dance, loves music and is open for any kind of music. Her favourite music styles are Pop, Reggaeton and House Music. Luna loves to wear elegant, sexy, HipHop clothes. Her favourite style icon is 2NE1, a korean girlgroup. Luna's idols are Britney Spears and Usher Raymond. She speaks 4 languages: Portugese, Spanish, German and English. TYA> is 17 years old and was born 09.04.1995 in Germany. Her parent's come from Turkey. At the age of 4 she started singing, loves music and to dance. Tya's Idols are Christina Aguilera and Rihanna. Her style icons are 2NE1 (a korean girlgroup) and Rihanna. She is open for any kind of music. Her favourite music styles are DubStep, HipHop and Pop. She loves to wear HipHop, cool-rock and fancy clothes. Tya speaks German, English and a little Turkish. Beschreibung DOUBLE KISS > sing together since 2006. It took them 6 years to be what they are now > Double Kiss. They love to entertain and dance while to sing. Both girls grown together and they won't stop pushing each other to the best. They got their own sayings, such as: D.K. > "DOUBLE KISS LIKE THIS MUAAH", LUNA > " I AM THE LIGHT YOU CAN'T TURN OFF" TYA > " I'M A BURNING STAR BUT RISING HIGH" Double Kiss named their FANs as " NEW GENERATION" also called "NG's". They write their own songs such as " NOTHING CAN BREAK US DOWN " and "WIND & ROLL" . Lyrics from Nothing can break us down: You can tell You can say what you want 'Cause nothing can break us down We grow together we fight together Nothing in the world can break us down Interessen der Band Dancing,writing own lyrics,being creative, just DOUBLE KISS ! Weitere Künstler, die wir gut finden Usher, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Keri Hison, Adele, Justin Timberlake, 2NE1, BIG BANG, Ciara, Timbaland, Don Omar, Pitbull...



Vera Lucia Da Silva Pacheco

22147 Hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt


Demosong 1



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