Felix Albers Music

von FelixAlbersMusic
erstellt 17.07.2014 21:11 Uhr


Felix Albers was born in Hamburg almost exactly 24 years ago. Through his father and mother, he came early to music. So it was only a matter of time until he started to make music by himself. Now he is a Singer, Songwriter and Producer without fix genre. It doesnt matter what genre Felix want to create. Pop - Rock - Electro or HipHop. He just create whats in his mind.




Felix Albers

20457 Hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt


Know Me



Andere Bands in dieser Kategorie: Alternative

Try Hard Bernhard

The Daily Sun (Born of the age we live in! - Alternative Rock and Power Pop )

Le Rock (Metal, Elektro, Hardrock, Powerrock)

Fume (Mitunter verspielter Alternative Indie-Folk-Rock, der sehnsüchtig sein Arme in den weiten, dunklen Abendhimmel reckt )

Rewind Rewind (Post-punk, shoegaze.)

Bandname kommt dann von selber... ist aber wichtig ;) (Pop Music - Rock - Einflüsse kommen aus den 60's, 70's und dem New Wave, late Seventies. Kein ausgesprochener Live-Act, eher was für die Couch/das Radio.)

Bricoleur (Alternativ Rock mit Meerluft. )

bassistique (Alternative, Brit, Postrock)

Hexagon (Alternative Rock mit progressive Einflüssen )

Trancewatermelonman (Funky Psychedelic Pop)

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