Carny Lingo

Alternative-Bluesrock, düster und verspielt, irgendwo zwischen Tom Waits, Madrugada und Nick Cave
von Dimo
erstellt 11.07.2016 10:59 Uhr


Clouds are shifting low above the Carny Lingo tent. The townspeople have picked up their guns, rumor has it that the strangers are out for their daughters. But by tomorrow the camp will have disappeared, the Carny brothers are traveling on. Only their songs will echo from afar: Those growling double-bass lines, shuffling beats and rusty guitars, that murmuring and howling over what's been left behind. Like those cloud shadows scurrying over the barren plains… Carny Jo (Bass & Vox) Carny O (Guit & Vox) Carny Dimo (Drums)



Dimo Unverzagt

22081 Hamburg

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Andere Bands in dieser Kategorie: Alternative

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HundEM (Der Apothekerschrank unter den Genre - Schubladen.)

Zigarettenmädchen (Indie Rock/Pop)

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