Natascha Bell

von rastatascha
erstellt 25.01.2010 13:24 Uhr


Hi ich bin Natascha Bell.Ich bin Sängerin und Gitarristin. Solistisch komponiere ich Lieder und habe auch öfter Auftritte auf kleineren Bühnen. Ich gewann "Kiel sucht den Megastar" 2008, wodurch ich auch meine ersten Studioerfahrungen machte mit "The Boss" und im Dezember 2008 gewann ich ein Stipendium für die Sängerakademie in Hamburg.Zur Zeit mach ich eine Studienvorbereitung an der Sängerakademie, um eine Aufnahmeprüfung für ein Gesangsstudium zu bestehen. Booking unter PS: Ich suche ne neue Band in HH..Also wenn ihr ne Sängerin sucht..vielleicht passts ja.. In English Natascha Bell was born in Salisbury - England in 1989, but has lived in Germany almost her entire life. She was brought up to be bilingual, and speaks both English and German perfectly. She began singing at a very early age, and it wasn't long before people started to notice what a wonderful voice this little girl had. At the age of 16 she began teaching herself to play guitar, and her first self-composed songs followed soon after. In 2008 she took part in a regional contest in her hometown Kiel which she went on to win, and which provided her the first opportunity to record in a professional recording studio with her self-composed song "The Boss". In August 2008 she founded her Band "The Naked Yoga" with five young male musicians. Since then they've played gigs all around northern Germany, presenting their very own style of music. In December 2008 Natascha won a half year scholarship at a private singing school in Hamburg, where she now lives. The scholarship is primarily focused on getting Natascha up to the standard required for entry into University, where she is due to start her singing degree in 2010. Since the beginning of 2009 Natascha has also played at smaller venues and festivals on her own, presenting her own songs with her unique voice and her beloved guitar.



natascha bell

20537 hamburg

Telefon: keine Telefonnummer hinterlegt


Demosong 1



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