The MAR's Beat Combo

Rock'n'Roll, Mersey-Beat, Garage, Soul
von The Jeopards
erstellt 27.08.2008 02:01 Uhr


The threesome - Max, Alex and Ron - write, play and sing a powerhouse music filled with zest and uninhibited good humour that make listening a sensation-filled joy. It isn't rhythm and blues. It's not exactly rock'n'roll. It's their own special sound. MAX - (vocals and bass). is the heart-throb of the group, a fact which surprizes him and them. His lyrics are very simple, to the point of being basic. They mask the complex characters that evolves them. He knows his own limits though he doesn't always accept them. Alex - (lead guitars, vocals) Profitably for a beat group's musician, he is heavily influenced by classic blues, beat as well as jazz music. Ron - is at his happiest when he is drumming. The band is hugely skilled playing 50s and 60s pop music, their exclusive repertoire consists of Classic Blues, rock-n-roll, mersey beat and funk, a lot of songs penned by Lennon-McCartey, Jagger-Richards, Leiber-Stoller, Willie Dixon, Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters. You can book them for your private or corporative party or celebration, as well as biker or hot-rod parties!




20539 Hamburg

Telefon: 0176-74124710


These Boots Are Made For Walking

Poison Ivy

Love Potion No. 9

Baby It's You

Lend Me Your Comb



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Philipp Schultz (Blues, Rock, Folk, Rock'n'Roll, Jazz, Experimental)

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